A significant number of lie detector tests are now being administered at the request of therapists and treatment providers, and Global Polygraph Network can provide these exams. Our experts will work closely with the treatment provider to design the most appropriate type of exam to integrate into the therapeutic process. Please note that test accuracy depends on the type of exam that is administered.
The most commonly requested uses for therapeutic polygraph exams are:
- Relationship and Marital Issues
- Sex Addiction Treatment
- Maintenance (Periodic) Testing
- Addiction to Drugs
- Treatment for Drug Addiction
- Addiction to Alcohol
- Treatment for Alcohol Addiction
- Sex Offender Testing
While polygraph tests can provide a sense of clarity and resolution in certain situations, it’s important to consult with a professional therapist or counselor before making a decision. These tests are not infallible, can have emotional consequences, and can be emotionally taxing, especially if the results indicate deception. It’s essential to approach the process with caution.
- Click HERE for our page about Domestic Issue (relationship) testing
- Click HERE for Question Design Rules
- Click HERE to learn how to prepare for a Lie Detector (Polygraph) exam
- Click HERE for information about using an interpreter for the exam
Here are some potential benefits of polygraph testing for Couples Therapy:
- Resolving Doubts: Polygraph tests can provide a means to address suspicions or doubts about infidelity, substance abuse, or other significant issues within a relationship.
- Rebuilding Trust: If the results of a polygraph test are positive, it can help rebuild trust and strengthen a relationship that has been damaged by suspicion.
- Providing Closure: For couples dealing with uncertainty, a polygraph test can offer a sense of closure, allowing them to move forward with their relationship or make difficult decisions.
- Encouraging Honesty: The prospect of a polygraph test can incentivize partners to be honest with each other, fostering open communication and transparency.
- Encouraging Open Communication: The process of discussing and agreeing to a polygraph can open up lines of communication between partners, allowing them to address underlying issues and concerns.
- Discouraging Compulsive Liars: Individuals with a compulsion to stretch the truth may be discouraged from telling excessive falsehoods if they know a polygraph exam could be in their not-too-distant future.
Here are the most common uses for lie detector testing in Relationship Counseling:
1. Lie Detector Test for Cheating / Fidelity / Infidelity
This format is used to determine whether one partner has engaged in sexual acts or sexual contact with anyone other than his/her significant other. Other related items may include questions about dating, kissing, having contact with “exes,” placing or responding to personal ads, visiting strip clubs, etc.
2. Lie Detector Test for Personal History
This format is appropriate when a partner needs to verify aspects of his/her partner’s background prior to the relationship, such as sexual history, drug or alcohol habits, gambling, health issues (particularly STDs), and excessive financial obligations.
3. Lie Detector Test for Internet Activities
Not all “cheating” requires physical contact. Polygraphs can be used to determine the extent of “sexual” activities conducted over the internet, such as visits to pornographic sites, dating sites, sexual chat rooms, interactive sexual websites, or having “cybersex” (sexual chat) with someone who is not his/her partner.
4. Lie Detector Test for Therapeutic Disclosure
This is a variation of a “Statement Verification” exam in which the Examinee (person being tested) prepares a document ostensibly to disclose (in writing) to his/her partner any acts or conduct the partner might be concerned about. The polygraph is then used to verify the overall content of the Disclosure by asking questions such as “Did you lie about anything in the Disclosure you provided?” Questions about individual issues within the Statement are not asked, as these would be redundant. This method is typically used in the Therapeutic Process after the Examinee has already made admissions of infidelity or other unapproved behaviors and is attempting to verify the full extent of those behaviors. Since this is a multiple-issue test by definition, test results will not be as reliable as with a single-issue exam, but it is often the only way to resolve multiple issues simultaneously. Diagnosed “sex addicts” are frequently administered a Therapeutic Disclosure exam as part of their treatment protocol. This Disclosure should include a numbered list of specific disclosures and denials and should be signed and dated. Care must be taken not to include subjective issues in the Disclosure (see Question Rules). Disclosure exams are often done on a regular basis (ie. annually) to verify any necessary updates to the information provided. However, if a polygraph is failed, with subsequent admissions, the follow-up exams should focus on the issues connected to the admissions instead of the broad-scope approach of the initial Statement Verification.
There are three options for Therapeutic Disclosure polygraph exams. The Treatment Provider will decide which option is best for each situation.
- The first type of Disclosure deals exclusively with activities directly related to the relationship, but do not include the partner’s sexual behaviors prior to the start of the relationship. This information is typically shared with the person’s partner, and is incorporated in the treatment process. This is usually addressed in couples therapy.
- The second type of Disclosure explores the partner’s lifetime sexual behaviors, including childhood events. This version covers not only the period of the relationship, but also actions prior to the relationship. GPN does not recommend sharing all of this information with the partner unless it is directly related to the relationship. This information is used by the Treatment Provider to determine the best method of treatment. This is usually addressed in individual therapy.
- The third type of Disclosure method is a combination of #1 and #2 above, where two separate Disclosures are prepared. The first is designed to be shared with the partner, and the second is only for use by the Treatment Provider.
How often can a polygraph be administered? Due to a process called “habituation,” the effectiveness of a polygraph is reduced if multiple exams are taken close together. Ideally, exams should not be taken closer together than 3 months, but that is minimum spacing. One or two exams per year is a considered “best practice” to help reduce the effects of habituation.
Polygraph testing can be a valuable aid in the recovery process. The use of polygraph testing should be approached ethically, with careful consideration of the individual’s rights and well-being. Polygraph testing should be used as a tool within a comprehensive treatment plan, alongside therapy, support groups, and other interventions. In many cases, a Treatment Provider will recommend Maintenance polygraph testing to take place during regular intervals to aid in reducing recidivism. Click HERE for Question Design Rules.
Here are some potential benefits of Lie Detector Tests for Sex Addiction:
For the Individual with Sex Addiction
- Increased Accountability: The prospect of a polygraph can motivate individuals to be honest about their behaviors, reducing the risk of denial or minimizing the extent of their addiction. The prospect of a polygraph will also help to dissuade peacemeal disclosures, which are common among sex addicts.
- Enhanced Trust in Recovery: By being honest and facing the consequences of their actions, individuals can begin to rebuild trust with themselves and others.
- Clearer Understanding of Behaviors: Polygraph testing can help individuals identify patterns or triggers that contribute to their addiction, facilitating more effective treatment.
- Motivational Tool: The fear of failing a polygraph test can serve as a powerful motivator for individuals to stay sober. Knowing that their actions will be monitored can help them stay focused on their recovery goals.
For Partners or Loved Ones
- Reduced Uncertainty: Polygraph testing can provide clarity and reduce the emotional turmoil associated with suspicion and doubt.
- Increased Trust: Honest results can help rebuild trust and strengthen relationships.
- Improved Communication: The process of addressing difficult topics through polygraph testing can open up lines of communication and improve relationships.
- Treatment Planning: Polygraph tests can provide valuable information for treatment planning. By understanding an individual’s triggers and challenges, therapists can tailor their approach to meet their specific needs.
Polygraph testing can be a valuable tool in drug and alcohol treatment for several reasons:
- Accountability and Transparency: Polygraph tests can help individuals in recovery feel accountable to themselves and others. Knowing that they will be tested can deter them from engaging in harmful behaviors, such as using drugs or drinking alcohol.
- Early Detection of Relapse: Polygraph tests can help detect early signs of relapse. If an individual shows signs of deception during a test, it can prompt a deeper conversation about their struggles and potential triggers.
- Building Trust: Polygraph tests can help rebuild trust between the individual and their loved ones. By being honest and open during the testing process, individuals can demonstrate their commitment to recovery.
- Motivational Tool: The fear of failing a polygraph test can serve as a powerful motivator for individuals to stay sober. Knowing that their actions will be monitored can help them stay focused on their recovery goals.
- Treatment Planning: Polygraph tests can provide valuable information for treatment planning. By understanding an individual’s triggers and challenges, therapists can tailor their approach to meet their specific needs.
Many states and countries have developed programs for the treatment and monitoring of sex offenders during their parole or probation periods. Many of these treatment programs require the administration of initial and periodic polygraph exams for purposes of verifying treatment compliance, parole violations, and recidivism. Standards for Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT) have been established by the APA and ASTM, which requires the examiner to undergo special additional training and certification to provide this type of testing. When hiring one of our examiners for this purpose, make sure the examiner is a Certified PCSOT examiner. You can verify your examiner is PCSOT certified by reviewing their profiles, which can be found with each testing location. Click HERE for Question Design Rules.
Types of Exams Normally Used for PCSOT Testing
1. Instant Offense (PCSOT)
This format is used to determine whether the original crime was actually committed by the subject. Denial or rationalization of this crime, if actually committed, hinders appropriate treatment from being provided.
2. Sexual History Disclosure (PCSOT)
Appropriate treatment can only be successful if the subject’s complete sexual history is disclosed to the treating psychologist. This format is used to verify whether the subject has withheld pertinent information from his/her background.
3. Monitoring Testing (PCSOT)
An important aspect of the monitoring program is to verify that the subject has not committed new sexual offenses while in the program. This format is used for exactly this purpose.
4. Maintenance Testing (PCSOT)
This format is used to determine any issue related to parole, probation or therapy of specific interest to the psychologist or parole/probation officer. Some typical uses for this exam would be to determine whether the subject has been in contact with children in violation of parole/probation guidelines, has viewed pornography, has had any contact with a previous victim, or is “grooming” anyone as a new potential victim.
GPN can provide the following types of exams:
- Lie Detector Test for Therapy
- Polygraph Test for Therapy
- Lie Detector Test for Therapists
- Polygraph Test for Therapists
- Lie Detector Test for Counseling
- Polygraph Test for Counseling
- Lie Detector Test for Treatment
- Polygraph Test for Treatment
- Lie Detector Test for Recovery
- Polygraph Test for Recovery
- Lie Detector Test for Marriage Counseling
- Lie Detector Test for Relationship Counseling
- Lie Detector Test for Couples Counseling
- Lie Detector Test for Addiction
- Polygraph Test for Addiction
- Lie Detector Test for Sex Addiction
- Lie Detector Test for Alcohol Addiction
- Lie Detector Test for Drug Addiction