When trust is lost in a relationship, it could take years to recover, if ever. In many cases, the evidence of adultery is not definitive, so the only way to find out the truth is through a personal polygraph test from a qualified examiner.
Partner Fidelity (Cheating) Test
Where do I get a Relationship Cheating Lie Detector Test? Infidelity Polygraph Tests are used extensively for relationship issues. This is one area of testing where experience makes a big difference. The wording of questions for a relationship lie detector test is critical to a successful exam since many words can be interpreted differently by different people. See below for Question Design Rules for infidelity polygraph tests.
In 2012, GPN Owner Michael Martin published the first textbook for Domestic Issue (relationship) polygraph testing. The second edition of this textbook was published in 2019. All of the examiners in the Global Polygraph Network® are experienced and qualified to provide these types of exams. Test results are confidential, unless the examinee confesses to a serious crime that mandates reporting to law enforcement authorities.
Once an appointment has been scheduled, the examiner will communicate with the client to briefly discuss the test issues, and to help determine what the client is seeking to resolve with the exam. The details are usually discussed at the actual exam, including proposed test questions. See Rules for Designing Questions below.
At the polygraph appointment, the examiner will interview the Examinee (person being tested) privately about the client’s concerns, in a non-accusatory manner. Once the examiner has heard the Examinee’s version of events and any relevant explanations, the appropriate test questions can be constructed to address those issues. Following the exam, the client will be provided with a detailed written report which includes any statements made by the Examinee, the relevant questions asked during the procedure, the answers given to those questions, and an analysis of the polygraph results.
Cheating / Fidelity / Infidelity Lie Detector Test
In most cases, this format is used to determine whether one partner has had sex (i.e., sexual intercourse and/or oral sex) or sexual contact with anyone else besides his/her significant other. Other related issues may include questions about dating, kissing, having contact with “exes,” placing personal ads, visiting strip clubs, etc. This category represents the vast majority of the Relationship testing issues we handle.
Personal History Lie Detector Test
This format is appropriate when a partner needs to verify aspects of his/her partner’s background BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE RELATIONSHIP, such as sexual history, drug or alcohol habits, gambling, health issues (particularly STDs), and excessive financial obligations.
Internet Activities Lie Detector Test
Not all “cheating” requires physical contact. Polygraphs can be used to determine the extent of “sexual” activities conducted over the internet, such as visits to pornographic sites, dating sites, sexual chat rooms, interactive sexual websites, or having “cybersex” (sexual chat) with someone who is not his/her partner.
Therapeutic Disclosure Lie Detector Test
This is a variation of a “Statement Verification” exam in which the Examinee (person being tested) prepares a document ostensibly to disclose (in writing) to his/her partner any acts or conduct the partner might be concerned about. The polygraph is then used to verify the overall content of the Disclosure by asking questions such as “Did you lie about anything in the Disclosure you provided?” Questions about individual issues within the Statement are not usually asked, as these would be redundant. This method is typically used in the Therapeutic Process after the Examinee has already made admissions of infidelity (or other unapproved or discouraged behaviors) and is attempting to verify the full extent of those behaviors. Since this is a multiple-issue test by definition, test results will not be as reliable as with a single-issue exam, but it is often the only way to resolve multiple issues simultaneously. Diagnosed “sex addicts” are frequently administered a Therapeutic Disclosure exam as part of their treatment program. This Disclosure should include a numbered list of specific disclosures and denials and should be signed and dated. Care must be taken not to include subjective issues in the Disclosure (see “Rules” below).
There are quite a few rules for designing proper relationship polygraph questions. Your examiner will work with you to develop the best questions for your situation, but here are some of the basic rules for question design. Keep in mind that failing any question in a polygraph will result in the entire exam being failed. In other words, a person can not “pass” one question and “fail” another question within the same exam. Here is a link to a more comprehensive set of POLYGRAPH LIE DETECTOR QUESTION DESIGN RULES.
- Relevant infidelity polygraph test questions are typically answered with the word “no.” Narrative answers are not permitted.
- The number of relevant test questions asked affects the accuracy of the test. The more questions we ask, the less accurate the results will be. A specific issue test (one question) will produce results with the highest accuracy. Four relevant questions is the maximum that can be asked in an exam. Asking five or more relevant questions in a single exam will be unreliable. If more than four questions is needed, the options are to have more than one exam administered, or to use a Statement Verification test.
- Questions can not be subjective or ambiguous. Each question must be interpreted the same way by any person who hears it. When in doubt, specific words or phrases can be defined and agreed upon before the exam. Some examples of words that are not permitted are “cheating,” “affair,” and “inappropriate.” Questions must be direct and to the point, such as “During your marriage, did you have sexual contact with anyone other than your husband?”
- Lengthy infidelity test questions are not permitted. A question that takes more than 6 or 7 seconds to ask (using normal speech) is too long.
- Hypothetical questions are not permitted.
- Questions about opinions, emotions, intentions, feelings, or the future can not be used. For example, we can not ask, “Do you love your wife?” or “Do you plan to leave your wife?” but we can ask, “Did you tell someone that you do not love your wife?” and “Did you tell anyone that you were going to leave your wife?”
- Compound (multi-part) questions are not generally used.
- Infidelity test Questions about lying are not generally used. Relationship polygraph questions are asked in the most direct way possible. For example, we would ask, “Did you have sex with someone other than your wife?” and not, “Did you lie to your wife about having sex with someone else?”
- Questions in the same exam must be related to one another. Lie detector examiners can not mix issues in a test. For example, an examiner can not ask questions about “sexual issues” and “using drugs” in the same exam. Each new issue requires a separate exam.
- The most frequently asked polygraph question in a fidelity test is “During (time frame) did you have physical sexual contact with anyone other than (name)?” If the person has admitted to previous indiscretions, then the question will be qualified with “other than what you told me.” Of course, any admissions made during the exam will be included in the written report. “Physical Sexual Contact” is carefully defined during the interview process to avoid any confusion.
Your examiner will help you come up with the best questions to resolve your situation.
GPN can provide the following types of exams:
- Lie Detector Test for Cheaters
- Lie Detector Test for Suspected Cheaters
- Lie Detector Test for Infidelity
- Lie Detector Test for Relationships
- Lie Detector Tests for Marriages
- Lie Detector Test for Cheating
- Lie Detector Tests for Couples
- Lie Detector Test for Unfaithful Partner
- Lie Detector Test for Partner
- Lie Detector Test for Husband
- Lie Detector Test for Wife
- Lie Detector Test for Boyfriend
- Lie Detector Test for Girlfriend
- Lie Detector Test for Domestic Partner
- Private Lie Detector Test
- Private Polygraph Test
- Personal Lie Detector Test
- Personal Polygraph Test
- Liar Detector Test